Microsoft customer services acquires Clarity to help optimize Java workloads on Azure

Today Microsoft is announcing the acquisition of jClarity, the leading contributor to the AdoptOpenJDK project, to support their continued contributions to open source while driving increased performance for  Microsoft Customer Service Java workloads on Azure.  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  The team, formed by Java champions and data scientists with proven expertise in data driven Java Virtual Machine (JVM) optimizations, Microsoft Support Phone Number will help teams at Microsoft to leverage advancements in the Java platform.  Microsoft Phone Number At Microsoft, Support.Microsoft.Com/Help we strongly believe that we can do more for our customers by working alongside the Java community. The jClarity team, with the backing of Microsoft, will continue to collaborate with the OpenJDK community and the Java ecosystem to foster the progress of the platform.

In the last few years, Microsoft’s  Microsoft Customer Service usage of  Microsoft Support Phone NumberJava has grown and now includes multiple large-scale deployments, such as Azure HDInsight and Minecraft. Additionally, Microsoft customers like Adobe, Daimler and Société Générale have brought their Java production  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  workloads to Azure, and strong partnerships were established with Azul Systems, Pivotal, Red Hat Support.Microsoft.Com/Help and Oracle to bring the full power Microsoft Phone Number of the ecosystem. With more than half of compute workloads running on Linux, Azure has become a great platform for open source, and that certainly includes Java.

The jClarity team are JVM experts who have Microsoft Support Phone Number helped their customers optimize their Java applications while also providing leadership and support within the Java open source community.  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  For us, this  Microsoft Customer Service is the perfect match. The relationship with this team is not new: since June 2018, Microsoft has Support.Microsoft.Com/Help sponsored the AdoptOpenJDK project to help build binaries of OpenJDK for different platforms, including Linux and Windows.

Microsoft Azure and jClarity engineers will be working Support.Microsoft.Com/Help together to make Azure a  Microsoft Customer Service better platform for our Java customers, Microsoft Support Phone Number and internal teams, improving  Microsoft Phone Number the experience and performance of the platform for Java developers and end-users  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help .

What I’m most excited about with Support.Microsoft.Com/Help the Intelligent Edge is not what we’ve already done, nor even what I can imagine might be done with this new platform, but rather, what others will imagine and create as tens of millions of developers, entrepreneurs and innovative thinkers start building new products and businesses  Microsoft Customer Service with this technology. Given the magnitude  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  of growth ahead of us, and the fact that the platform is becoming more powerful every day, the opportunities for Microsoft Support Phone Number creators, entrepreneurs and businesses are huge. As with Microsoft Phone Number any successful platform, the true measure of the Intelligent Edge’s success will be in the breadth and diversity of the things built on top of it. There, I have infinite faith in the vision and ambition of others.

The IoT Signals Report (an annual   Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help research survey published by Microsoft) identifies key, industry-relevant trends in IoT. The survey, conducted by individual interviews with more than 3,000 IoT professionals based in Europe, Asia and North America, found that IoT is  Microsoft Customer Service considered mainstream. Support.Microsoft.Com/Help Businesses are seeing tremendous value and opportunity in their ability to improve their bottom lines through IoT adoption. Right now, we’re seeing significant advancements in what I call a new world order with the demise of Moore’s law[1] and the collapse of Dennard scaling[2]. This means that compute is no longer becoming Microsoft Phone Number cheap at the exact same time that Microsoft Support Phone Number machine learning is becoming an insatiable consumer of compute power. But while this shift is impacting PCs, we will still see a few years where the power and compute capabilities of Intelligent Edge devices will continue to improve exponentially without much increase in cost.

IoT devices that are part of the Intelligent  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  Edge provide businesses with invaluable  Microsoft Support Phone Number insights on how to transform processes for operational efficiencies, such as improving the maintenance of vital of equipment before a costly shutdown and accelerating innovation while simultaneously Support.Microsoft.Com/Help improving safety, for example. As the IoT landscape continues to expand,  Microsoft Customer Service we can bank on critical breakthroughs Microsoft Phone Number in areas that benefit humanity, such as healthcare, conservation, sustainability, accessibility and disaster recovery.


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