Guide to Microsoft Volume License key Activation Methods

All Microsoft products obtained by nonprofit organizations through TechSoup Canada are received through Microsoft Customer Service a Microsoft Volume Licensing program. Products received through this program require activation Support.Microsoft.Com/Help if they are to be used, to verify that the software has been received through Microsoft Support Phone Number legitimate means and is not installed uninstall microsoft edge on more computers than permitted. To activate most of these products, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2012, a 25-character volume license key (VLK) is required How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard .

License-only products, such as client access licenses, management licenses, and external connector licenses, do not require keys or codes for setup

Standard VLKs

This standard type of VLK is provided for all Microsoft products except Windows Vista and newer operating systems, including server operating systems. The activation process using standard VLKs is fairly simple: enter the VLK obtained through the Volume Licensing website when How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard  prompted by the software Microsoft Support Phone Number to activate it. You can use the same VLK on multiple installations of the same software Support.Microsoft.Com/Help if you requested multiple licenses. For example, if your donation includes 10 copies of Office.

Key Management Service (KMS) Keys

KMS is the default model for Volume Activation for every operating system released since Windows Vista, including Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2.

In the KMS model, the KMS key is installed on only one system in a network, known as the KMS host, and all other network users uninstall microsoft edge can activate their software through this system. This allows Microsoft Customer Service users with network experience to complete activations on their local network and eliminates the need for all computers except the host to connect to Microsoft for product activation. KMS does not require a dedicated system and can be co-hosted on a How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard  system that provides other services.

KMS requires a minimum number of computers (physical or virtual machines) in a network environment. The organization must have Microsoft Support Phone Number

 at least 5 computers uninstall microsoft edge to activate Windows Server 2008 R2 and at least 25 computers to activate Windows 7. These minimums are referred to as activation thresholds. Organizations Microsoft Customer Service that cannot meet these thresholds or do not have the technical  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help ability to set up a KMS host should activate their products through the MAK model.

Multiple Activation Key (MAK) Keys

The MAK model is used for one-time activation with Microsoft’s hosted activation services. These keys are similar to standard VLKs in that users must enter the MAK keys on their individual computers to How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard  activate the products. MAK keys are not the default model for Volume Activation clients, so users will have to request MAK keys from the Volume Licensing website if they want to use this model.

There are two ways to activate computers using the MAK model. The first method is MAK independent activation, which requires that Support.Microsoft.Com/Help each computer independently connect with Microsoft and be activated, either over the Internet or by telephone. The second method is MAK proxy activation Microsoft Support Phone Number. With this method, a computer acting How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard  as a MAK proxy gathers activation information from multiple computers on the network and then sends a centralized activation request on their behalf. MAK proxy activation is configured using the Volume Activation Management Tool.

Like standard VLKs, MAK keys allow a predetermined number of activations, depending on the number of licenses an organization requests uninstall Microsoft Customer Service microsoft edge. For example, if your donation includes 10 copies of Windows 7, you can use the Windows 7 MAK key to install that product on 10 separate computers Support.Microsoft.Com/Help.


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