Celebrating the completion of the most advanced subsea cable across the Atlantic

Recognizing a need for greater Microsoft Support Phone Number resiliency for networks Support.Microsoft.Com/Help across the Atlantic, Microsoft, Microsoft Support Phone Number Facebook and Telxius pursued the creation of Marea along a route south of existing transatlantic cable systems. Being physically separate from Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  the other cables Microsoft Customer Service helps ensure more resilient and reliable connections for customers in the United States, Europe and beyond.

The Marea cable’s new “open” design allows it to evolve with technology, ensuring the highest performance for Microsoft Customer Service users now and well into the future, even as the global population of internet users grows. And make no mistake, the demand is growing. Just think of the many high-bandwidth applications and content you use Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  today such as Skype and Facebook Live, and the volume of streaming videos, movies and music consumed daily. This ability to interoperate with many Microsoft Support Phone Number different kinds of networking Support.Microsoft.Com/Help equipment brings significant benefits Microsoft Support Phone Number including lower costs and easier equipment upgrades, leading to faster growth in bandwidth rates.

Completed in less than two years Microsoft Customer Service — nearly three times faster than is typical — Marea is a powerful example of the important role the private sector has to play in connecting the world. It also set a new standard for subsea cables because Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  it is designed to meet today’s demand and evolve with the progress of tomorrow, allowing companies offering digital services to be better equipped  Microsoft Support Phone Number Microsoft Support Phone Number to handle Support.Microsoft.Com/Help cross-border internet traffic, which is 

Rapid growth demands strong investment

At more than 4,000 miles (6,600 kilometers) long and almost 10.25 million pounds (4.65 million kilograms) — or about the weight of 34 blue whales — the Marea cable is a feat of engineering, collaboration Microsoft  Microsoft Support Phone Number Support Phone Microsoft Customer Service Number and innovation. The cable can transmit up to 160 terabits of data per second. That’s more than 16 million times faster than the Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  average home internet connection Support.Microsoft.Com/Help, making it capable of streaming 71 million high-definition videos simultaneously.

In a time when global economies are Microsoft Support Phone Number deepening their reliance on cloud technologies, and both private and public sectors are embracing the opportunities for growth and improvement through digital transformation Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help , we’re energized by the impact the Marea subsea cable will have on the advancement of cloud computing and digital services. And we look forward to furthering our respective investments in building high-tech infrastructure to better connect our  Microsoft Customer Service world, foster economic  Microsoft Support Phone Number growth Support.Microsoft.Com/Help and advance technological capabilities.

Learn more about the Marea project

We’re excited to Support.Microsoft.Com/Help share this technological feat and take some time upon the completion to explore what Microsoft Support Phone Number the cable means for Microsoft Customer Service connecting Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  businesses in the U.S. and Europe, as well as Microsoft Support Phone Number the next billion internet users in Africa, the Middle East and Asia.

We will Microsoft Support Phone Numberfrom Williamsburg, Virginia, at 9:30 a.m. ET Friday (recorded playback will be available). Microsoft and our partners will be joined onstage by U.S. Senators Tim Kaine and Support.Microsoft.Com/Help Mark Warner, and Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. We hope Microsoft Support Phone Number you’ll join us online as well to explore our photos, videos and interactive multimedia features about the Microsoft Customer Service construction of the Marea subsea cable.


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