How Microsoft is putting data and AI at the center of financial services industry transformation

The financial services Support.Microsoft.Com/Help industry is at an inflection point. Fintechs and challengers are entering rapidly as Microsoft Support Phone Number regulatory requirements are increasing. Consumers are expecting highly personalized experiences while security threats are evolving.  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help The challenges Microsoft Support Phone Number for banks, insurers, payments tech providers and others are mounting high Microsoft Customer Service.

Transforming these Support.Microsoft.Com/Help challenges into business opportunities is an imperative for financial services Microsoft Support Phone Number firms and central to success. Many ambitious Microsoft Customer Service digital leaders are already discussing their transformation journey, or are well Microsoft Support Phone Number on the way. Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  As a result, our teams are having new conversations, from ‘how can new cloud-enabled business models keep me competitive?’ to ‘help me optimize my data estate’ to ‘prove to me you’re a trusted partner who won’t undercut my business’.

At Microsoft, we’re at the intersection of these conversations in the financial services industry. We are laser-focused on Microsoft Support Phone Number building the Support.Microsoft.Com/Help best cloud for business Microsoft Customer Service, helping financial firms big and small enable intelligent industry transformation with data Microsoft Support Phone Number and artificial intelligence (AI). We’re doing so knowing that security, resiliency and regulatory compliance are vital, and we’re constantly thinking about how we can help Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  institutions make the transition to modern innovations while still taking advantage of legacy investments.

With this in mind Microsoft Support Phone Number, I’d like to share Microsoft technology, partner solutions and industry Microsoft Customer Service contributions designed to help financial services Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  businesses compete, innovate and succeed in the future. Here at Sibos 2018 in Sydney, Australia, and at the upcoming Money2020 in Las Vegas, Nevada, we will be on the ground showcasing this work Support.Microsoft.Com/Help and discussing how putting data and AI at the center of transformation is a formula for success Microsoft Support Phone Number.

Building the leading cloud for Microsoft Support Phone Number financial services does not happen in a vacuum.  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help We are proud to work side-by-side with transformational industry leaders who tell us the Microsoft business model aligns to their future. We are in the business Microsoft Customer Service Microsoft Support Phone Number of partnership Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  and empowerment, not in the business of disintermediating financial services firms from their customers. This type of partnership is cleanly Microsoft Customer Service aligned to our company mission and something we stand by firmly.

Microsoft has , the leader in Support.Microsoft.Com/Help secure financial messaging services. Together, we’re Microsoft Support Phone Number proving out a Microsoft Azure cloud-based solution for payments transfers conducted Microsoft Support Phone Number on the SWIFT network. Our intent Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  is to enable the deployment of familiar SWIFT messaging solutions in the cloud, enabling faster Microsoft Customer Service, more cost effective, efficient and secure operations for banks, corporates and ecosystem technology providers.


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