Powering our customers: the innovation story behind Microsoft’s earnings

show that we continue to gain Microsoft Support Phone Number momentum with enterprise customers across industries and solution areas. That momentum Support.Microsoft.Com/Help reflects a steadfast commitment to customer Microsoft Support Phone Number success, whether through cross-industry partnerships or through cloud Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help- and AI-driven innovations that are transforming how organizations are building competitive advantages and creating value for their own customers Microsoft Customer Service.

On the partnership front this Microsoft Customer Service past quarter to launch the Open Data Initiative. The initiative aims  to address one of the biggest Support.Microsoft.Com/Help challenges facing organizations today: barriers between customer interaction data and operational data that limit the ability to create connections, identify insights Microsoft Support Phone Number and extract value from data in real time Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help for a better overall customer experience. I am thrilled to share that consumer product leaders like Unilever, the Coca-Cola Company and Walmart have already expressed their interest Microsoft Support Phone Number and support for the initiative.

On the cloud and AI front, we are seeing Microsoft Customer Service organizations as varied as embrace these technologies to drive innovation in payment Microsoft Support Phone Number processing, connected cars Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help, ride-hailing apps, food safety and facility management. These customers recognize the advantage of having a consistent Support.Microsoft.Com/Help computing stack from the cloud to the edge Microsoft Support Phone Number — and they are not alone. In fact, there are several examples of customer innovation that impressed me in Q1. Here are a few:

Belgium-based brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev, whose Microsoft Customer Service operations range from a Beer Garage in Silicon Valley and a Global Analytics Center in Bangalore, India, is moving  to drive commercial and operational  Microsoft Support Phone Number growth and increase sustainability Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help. The cloud has enabled Microsoft Support Phone Number the beer giant to build a global analytics platform that breaks down data silos for greater insights into its business operations Support.Microsoft.Com/Help

Shell is to maximize productivity Microsoft Support Phone Number across its drilling equipment and make operations safer for customers and service Microsoft Support Phone Number champions at its 44,000 gas stations Microsoft Customer Service. Specifically, Shell is piloting a new cloud-based,  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help deep learning solution that uses Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help closed-circuit camera footage and IoT to automatically identify safety hazards and alert service champions for quick response and elimination of potential problems. Shell alsoas its official AI partner with C3 IoT on Azure.

IoT also is at the heart of CBRE’s efforts to use space more efficiently and improve the tenant experience. The world’s largest commercial real estate services Support.Microsoft.Com/Help firm is equipping buildings with heat and motion Microsoft Support Phone Number sensors for a better understanding of workplaces. Those sensors allow Microsoft Support Phone Number employees to see in real-time if  Microsoft Customer Service spaces are open even if  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help Exchange shows they are booked. The firm has also launched CBRE 360, a mobile app that enables employees to search for meeting rooms and with specific requirements like a Surface Hub or a Skype Room System.


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