The Associated Press takes its data storytelling to the next level with Microsoft Power BI

Today, when news is frequently Microsoft Support Phone Number accompanied Support.Microsoft.Com/Help by massive quantities of data, reporting means making sense of all that data, and AP continues to lead the way in data journalism. The news agency, with locations in more than 100 countries, provides newsrooms worldwide with data-driven reporting on everything from Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  politics, business, environmental science Microsoft Customer Service and public safety to sports, education Microsoft Support Phone Number and more. Recent AP data journalism efforts  behind the opioid epidemic.

That’s why today, the AP and Microsoft  Microsoft Customer Service are excited to announce that AP will use Microsoft Power BI, a powerful data analytics and Microsoft Support Phone Number visualization tool Support.Microsoft.Com/Help, to expand the way AP shares data Microsoft Support Phone Number with its member news organizations and customers. The pilot program will enable local and regional news outlets to more easily Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  uncover and report the data-driven local stories most interesting to their audiences through AP’s use of Power BI.

AP regularly provides robust, deeply Microsoft Customer Service researched Microsoft Support Phone Number and credible raw data to its members and customers and knows Support.Microsoft.Com/Help that they have a huge appetite for local angles available Microsoft Support Phone Number in the AP data. However, many local and regional news Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  organizations need help transforming that data into easily digested information that’s pertinent to their audiences.

The AP’s  is a great example  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help of the news agency providing a highly relevant and timely data set to its members. Large and complex data sets that are deeply researched and credible, but not easy to quickly interpret, can present Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  a challenge to news organizations that lack the time, resources  Microsoft Customer Service and tools to uncover local Microsoft Support Phone Number stories in national or global data.

Sharing data encourages a greater level of Microsoft Support Phone Number transparency and understanding, but comes with the great responsibility of being accurate, useful, significant and comprehensible. The ability for people,

businesses Support.Microsoft.Com/Help and the media Microsoft Customer Service to see and touch data is creating a dramatic change in the way stories Microsoft Support Phone Number are being told and reported Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help . Interactive data visualizations invite readers into the role of a journalist, enabling them to dig deeper and uncover the story that is the most relevant, meaningful and personal to them.

In a recent release from Support.Microsoft.Com/Help the AP about the in the AP Stylebook, the AP wrote, “Data journalism has become a staple of reporting across beats and platforms, no longer reserved for specialists. Microsoft Support Phone Number Government agencies Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help , businesses and Microsoft Customer Service other organizations all Microsoft Support Phone Number communicate in the language of data and statistics. To cover them, journalists must become conversant in that language.”

The end goal is to help create Support.Microsoft.Com/Help data stories that are more relevant to readers. This increased Microsoft Support Microsoft Support Phone Number Phone Number engagement will enable readers to Microsoft Customer Service benefit from the interactive data visualizations by being able to discover Microsoft Customer Service their own findings and explore insights Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  pertinent to their markets.


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