U.S. Air Force and Microsoft services partner to empower airmen with modern IT

The U.S. Air Force Microsoft Support Phone Number is breaking Support.Microsoft.Com/Help the glass as a leader in harnessing the power of cloud, rapidly Microsoft Customer Service rolling out modern services to enable airmen to advance the mission through more effective collaboration. As part of their digital transformation journey to Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  achieve global access, persistence, and awareness for the 21st century, the U.S. Air Force is deploying targeted workloads that allow airmen to focus on their missions rather than spending time managing IT infrastructure Microsoft Support Phone Number.

Mission focus and efficiency

A key part of their digital Microsoft Support Phone Number transformation Support.Microsoft.Com/Help strategy is leveraging the technology industry’s capabilities for  Microsoft Support Phone Number cloud infrastructure, allowing the U.S. Air Force to re-tool and refocus their resources. As part of our collaboration with the U.S. Air Force, we’re deeply aligned on a joint mission to drive IT enhancements that enable airmen to be more Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  efficient and effective. Building out the capabilities for this targeted mission focus started with planning for Microsoft Customer Service how the organization will manage their data in the future, deploying core functions such as Exchange Online, SharePoint Online, OneDrive and other capabilities delivered through the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity applications.

Improved total cost of ownership

The rapid deployment of cloud tools at this scale is made possible by the U.S. Air Force’s leadership in building the multi-cloud factory Cloud One, a migration center of excellence designed as a Microsoft Support Phone Number foundation Microsoft Customer Service for future innovation. Leapfrogging Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  more traditional cloud migration strategies with a Platform as a service (PaaS)-first approach and secure Microsoft Support Phone Number systems boundary, Cloud One enables the U.S. Air Force to rapidly transform legacy systems into modern apps and exploit the agility,  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help scale and global presence afforded by the cloud.

William Marion Support.Microsoft.Com/Help, U.S. Air Force Deputy Chief Information Officer, says that Cloud One is the U.S. Air Force’s “path Microsoft Customer Service to the cloud, but further it is fundamental to the Digital Air Force and the future of Multi-Domain Microsoft Support Phone Number Operations. It enables our teams to  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help achieve unprecedented cost efficiencies and productivity through automation, Microsoft Support Phone Number agile software development at scale, and a streamlined process for moving applications to production.”

Cloud One has recalibrated what internal teams expect from a cloud migration, providing all the foundational cloud capabilities including Microsoft Support Phone Number networking, monitoring, access Microsoft Customer Service control and identity. Microsoft Support Phone Number In addition, apps deployed to Azure Government inherit Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  the platform’s security controls by design, further reducing operational costs and freeing up resources to focus on the mission Support.Microsoft.Com/Help.

Focus on security and compliance

The U.S. Air Force understands the Support.Microsoft.Com/Help importance of a dynamic, Microsoft Customer Service foundational risk management framework that can react quickly to cyber-attacks Microsoft Support Phone Number and changes in the threat landscape. With Microsoft 365 Microsoft Support Phone Number Government and Azure Government, they Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  can obtain the scale and performance of modern cloud tools while maintaining compliance with the strict compliance requirements of the Department of Defense (DoD), including DoD Impact Level 5.

Next-generation collaboration

One of the primary goals  Support.Microsoft.Com/Help of the U.S. Air Force is to empower airmen to collaborate and execute their Microsoft Support Phone Number missions with modern technology best practices. The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center, Enterprise IT and Cyber Infrastructure Division (AFLCMC/HNI) at Hanscom Air Force Base in Massachusetts has planned, Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  tested and started deployment of Microsoft Teams to improve project management and teamwork. With geographically separated organizations, Teams will streamline collaboration  Microsoft Customer Service and communication between airmen across the globe Microsoft Support Phone Number.

The massive scale Microsoft Support Phone Number of this U.S. Air Force organization – wide rollout requires massive change management – so we’ve developed a joint plan with focused training Microsoft Customer Service Microsoft Support Phone Number, deployment and service adoption to drive mission-focused use cases. The plan includes learning events with modern modalities, creating consumable resources Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  to enable airmen to learn more about how Teams can work for their unit. This includes product immersion events, ask-me-anything events, Support.Microsoft.Com/Help and video content so airmen can learn efficiently from wherever they are in the world.


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