What Are the Top eLearning Trends in 2020

Online learning is also called eLearning or remote learning. It’s an online method for students to complete homework assignments and gain knowledge while away from school. eLearning has been especially useful during the COVID outbreak. Students can access a virtual classroom on how to remove programs from windows 10 the internet Get Help in Windows 10, from home or a public library. As long as a student has access to a computer or a smartphone How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard, they can take part in eLearning. You can also use online learning to train employees or to learn a new skill on your windows 10 version 2004 problems own.

eLearning has integrated many trending technologies in recent years. It has also become more accessible with its use of closed captions feature update to windows 10 version 2004 and video transcriptions.

The Top eLearning Trends

The future of eLearning promises to bring plenty of technological advances. The field will use technology that’s already trending in other sectors to help students learn. Teachers will start to use things like apps, bite-sized learning How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard, games and interactive videos more often. 

Mobile learning and mobile apps

These days, everything from your take-out order to your dog walker is going mobile. Education is no different. Whether Get Help in Windows 10 you’re training your employees or teaching students math equations, mobile learning can help. Education How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard technology apps feature update to windows 10 version 2004 offer interaction, student-to-student communication, and quick methods for learning.


Microlearning is what it sounds like ⁠— learning small chunks of information at a time. These types of lessons offer three-to-ten-minute windows 10 version 2004 problems video classes highlighting essential information. And it’s effective. The Dresden University of Technology found that how to remove programs from windows 10 this type of training was22% better for learners Microlearning is especially suited for skill learning and usually works in conjunction with a mobile app.


Everyone likes a good game. Students are more likely to be engaged and active with a lesson that involves some friendly competition Get Help in Windows 10. Games in a virtual classroom can include team competitions using chat or online discussions and debates. Don’t forget to reward the winner, as well.

Interactive video

Think of interactive videos like a Choose Your Own Adventure book ⁠— except in digital form. An interactive video is like a standard video, but it allows users to interact with it. It can be clickable, or it might enable the user to select a path that most sparks their interest. Additionally, an interactive video can contain data fields that your students can type in or complete quizzes.

Accessibility in the virtual classroom

When you transition to an online learning platform, you feature update to windows 10 version 2004 need to consider all of your students. Some kids in your classroom may havewindows 10 version 2004 problems  trouble hearing the sound on your eLearning videos. Make sure you’re compliant with the How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard American with disabilities recruitment

Closed captioning can help deaf and hearing students alike. A study by telecommunications company Verizon Get Help in Windows 10 showed that 80% of people who use English subtitles don’t struggle to hear. Additionally, the same number of respondents said they’re more likely to finish a video with closed captions. Thus, closed captioning can make all students more engaged in virtual classroom material.

Another option is to transcribe how to remove programs from windows 10 your online learning videos. Transcription allows deaf or hard-of-hearing students to read a lesson rather than  How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard listening to it. Once you record an eLearning video, try using a  transcription service to compile everything you said. Sending a transcription to your students could also help visual learners retain the information.

How to order eLearning closed captions or transcriptions

  1. Upload your video.
  2. Our professionals get to work
  3. You get the file
  4. You publish the file

What’s next for online learning?

If you’re wondering how education is changing, especially in the wake of the coronavirus, you’re not alone. It’s been a rapid shift. Technology now allows students to view a lesson at the push of a button. Many schools and Get Help in Windows 10 universities are moving to remote learning, so it’s essential how to remove programs from windows 10 to keep students engaged. Inserting tech into the classroom can help. Teachers are choosing to include apps or videos students How To Get Help in Windows 10 Keyboard can windows 10 version 2004 problems interact with in real-time.

Accessibility is also vital to the future of the eLearning sector. Closed captioning helps all students maintain focus ⁠— not  windows 10 version 2004 problems only those who have difficulty hearing. Plus, if your students are studying somewhere loud, like on public transportation, they can follow along with the words feature update to windows 10 version 2004. Video transcription can help Get Help in Windows 10 visual learners maintain the information better, as well.


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